Wednesday, January 5, 2011

King's Speech is the bee's knees

Happy New Year mes amis! I hope you had a great holiday with friends and family. I spent some good quality time with my friends, and one of the great things we did was take in the movie "The King's Speech" starring Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter.

The movie retells the true story of King George VI (Firth) - who after his father's death and his party-loving brother's adbication must overcome his debiliating stammer and lead his nation which is on the brink of war.

You must go see this movie. I could end the blog post there, but if you need to know why, basically the acting is superb - really, really superb. The story of friendship, love and overcoming adversity plays on classic themes, but delivers them in a compelling and deftly crafted way. This was a really easy movie to watch - no need to overlook gaps in storyline, or so-so performances. It was top to bottom a pleasure and a great way to spend the afternoon.

Can you tell I liked it?

Also if you are an actor, or ever took a voice class you'll get an extra kick out of the "unusual" methods taken by King George's speech therapist Lionel Logue. Yup, not unusual at all. I'm pretty sure I've done every one of those vocal exercises - hey, they work!

If you want to test your elocution try saying the following phrase 3 times fast:
"I'm a mother pheasant plucker. I pluck mother pheasants. I'm the most pleasant mother pheasant plucker to ever pluck a mother pheasant"

Pardon me? Don't say anything rude now ;)

Jenny C

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