Do you ever see something at a restaurant and think I could totally make that, and I could make twice as much for half the cost. Well thats what I did...sort of. My dad has been making this quick and easy appetizer for years and I made it last weekend and I coincidentally noticed it on a menu of a local (trendy) restaurant that charges $4.00 for a measly three proscuitto wrapped asparagus...three! I think I made over thirty for $10.00!
If you ever are in need of a quick, easy and inexpensive appetizer give this one a try. It can be made a couple hours ahead of time and served chilled or in the summer time grill the asparagus for extra flavor.
If you ever are in need of a quick, easy and inexpensive appetizer give this one a try. It can be made a couple hours ahead of time and served chilled or in the summer time grill the asparagus for extra flavor.

After cutting off the tough bottoms, boil or steam asparagus until tender
Make a quick aioli by mixing some garlic, lemon juice and fresh ground pepper into mayonnaise
Spread a bit of the aioli on to a thin slice of proscuitto before wrapping it around the asparagus
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