Thank you Jenny for kick starting me out of my haze of procrastination, all week I have been staring at my camera thinking I should really upload those pictures but never fully having enough motivation to do so hence I’ve been a very bad blogger.
Jenny did indeed out do herself with the Beef Bourguignon, it was melt-in-your-mouth delicious, she out did herself on the whole night actually, to the subtle décor, the music and the indulgent French butter slathered on perfect slices of baguette. Bravo Jenny, bravo!

My contribution was the French style accordion potatoes, possibly one of the easiest potatoe dishes. Simply pick out some lovely little new potatoes, slice them down one side (but not all the way through) stuff and slather them with garlic, olive oil, and your favorite fresh and/or dry herbs and then bake at 350 degrees for 30 – 45 minutes (depending on their size). As they cook they begin to open up and by the time they are done they have fanned out like and accordion.

xo J
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