because they don't usually leave you hanging. AWESOME!" - Neil Pasricha
If you ever have one of those days that just make you go "ugghhhhh", you know the ones, your cranky, irritable and you just can't shake off that bad mood. Those are the days that you need to pick up your trusty copy of The Book of Awesome, open to a random page and take a moment to smile about the little things in life.
Neil Pasricha started 1000 Awesome Things (http://www.1000awesomethings.com/) back in 2008, a countdown of 1000 things that honour the little joys in life, like getting served breakfast in bed, seeing a cop on the side of the road and realizing you're going the speed limit anyway, wearing underwear just out from the dryer, or a long hug when you really need it. 1000 Awesome Things has now been compiled in to a book, with The Book of (even more) Awesome to be launched in April 2011.
It is full of nostalgic anecdotes that will have you reminscing with every page, it is laugh-out-loud funny at times, and simply sweet and charming at others. A perfect pick-me-up for those rainy days! AWESOME!
xo J
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