I’ve been having a tough time finding inspiration lately (what? did the lack of posts tip you off). I’ve had a lot of things on my mind, upcoming review at work, the anxiety of trying to sell our house, love life issues, turning 30!!, that I admit my devotion to Amis Are We has faltered. NOT that I am in a blue mood about it all, far from it, I’m actually highly positive about all above stated issues, but that doesn’t stop them from being stressful and somehow getting sucked in to blogs where beautiful young women with impeccable style, a glamorous job in a perpetually sunny locale and the most devoted bf/fiancé/husband gush about their fabulous existence is not always the most helpful. Therefore, I’m trying to refocus on what makes MY life awesome and learning fun things about your own city is a start. Three new additions to my reading list are:

http://vancouverisawesome.com/ - A community based, non-profit organization dedicated to the study, promotion and preservation of Vancouver Arts & Culture, with a positive spin.
http://vitamindaily.com/vancouver - Your daily dose of timely tips on fashion, food, lifestyle and nightlife in your hometown. Besides Vancouver they also have Calgary, Montreal and Toronto pages.
http://www.vancouverslop.com/ - An Almost daily food blog of fund food events and places to explore in Vancouver.
What drew me to these sites is that all have a very different focus and perspective on Vancouver and between the three there really is something for everyone!
xo J
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