Thursday, February 23, 2012

...but look at them now!

If you have been faithfully reading Amis since last year, firstly I thank you, and secondly you might have a distant memory of these , well lo and behold they are finally done!

Over the summer I stripped and sanded the arms to their natural colour and simply applied a coat of sealant. Over the fall the lovely Shannon from KiwiCovers re-upholstered them in a great pre-washed white denim. Now all they need are some bright throw pillows. My little abode is slowly, but surely coming together!

xo J

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Civil Wars

Now I am not usually much of a country music person but the 60 second performance of The Civil Wars on last Sunday's Grammy Awards to me stole the show, sit down Taylor Swift and watch how it is really done.

xo J

Monday, February 6, 2012

Shit Nonnas Say

I know, I know, there are a lot of "Shit People Say" videos floating around right now but I had to post this one simply becuase it pulls on my heart strings. You see, I had a Nonna and I miss her dearly so this video is like she has returned from the grave (with the exception, of course, that she was not a puppet).

This one's for you Nonnie

xo J
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